What is double cleansing?

Double cleansing refers to a skincare technique involving the use of two distinct types of cleansers to achieve a deeper and more thorough cleanse. The process typically consists of two stages:

  1. First Cleanser: An oil-based cleanser, cleansing oil, balm, or micellar water is applied to remove makeup, sunscreen, sebum, and other lipophilic impurities that are easily dissolved by oil.
  2. Second Cleanser: A water-based cleanser, such as a foaming, gel, or creamy facial cleanser, follows to remove water-based impurities like dirt, sweat, and other non-oil based residues.

This method originated from Korean beauty (K-beauty) and is recommended for those who wear heavy makeup, experience oily skin, or live in areas with high pollution levels. Double cleansing is believed to provide a cleaner foundation for subsequent skincare products to work more efficiently. However, it may not be necessary for those with dry or sensitive skin or those who don't wear much makeup.