What causes scalp acne?

Scalp acne, referred to as folliculitis or inflammation of hair follicles, occurs when pores or hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells, excess sebum (natural oil produced by sebaceous glands), or a buildup of products such as hair gels, leave-in treatments, or hairspray. Additional factors that contribute to scalp acne include:

  1. Stress
  2. Hormonal imbalances
  3. Certain foods and diet
  4. Abnormal immune responses
  5. Irregular or infrequent hair washing
  6. Improper removal of sweat and dirt from the scalp
  7. Organisms like yeasts from the Malassezia family, cutibacterium, staphylococci species, and demodex folliculorum.

Scalp acne can be managed by keeping the hair and scalp clean, using medicated shampoos, and avoiding products that may clog pores. Treatments for persistent scalp acne may include topical antibiotic ointments, steroid injections, oral antibiotics, antihistamines, phototherapy, and specific medications for severe acne like isotretinoin.