Postpartum hair loss: how to help?

Postpartum hair loss is a temporary condition caused by hormonal changes during and after pregnancy. Although you cannot prevent it, there are steps you can take to help manage and support healthy hair growth:

  1. Gentle hair care: Use volumizing shampoos, light conditioners, avoid excessive shampooing, and be gentle with brushing and combing to minimize breakage.
  2. Hair styling: Avoid tight hairstyles, excessive heat from hair dryers or styling tools, and opt for loose styles or short haircuts for manageability.
  3. Proper nutrition: Maintain a healthy diet rich in protein, iron, and Vitamin C to support hair growth.
  4. Take care of your scalp: Use massage techniques or essential oils to promote circulation in the scalp.
  5. Consider treatments: For severe cases, consult with a dermatologist who may suggest options like topical minoxidil (Rogaine) or Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments.
  6. Be patient: Hair loss usually peaks around four months after birth and should subside by the time your baby turns one.
  7. Watch for hair tourniquets: Be aware of wire-like hairs that can wrap around your baby's fingers or toes, which can cause pain and limit blood supply; remove them carefully or seek medical assistance if needed.

Remember, postpartum hair loss is not a sign of a larger health issue unless hair loss continues for more than fifteen months after delivery, affecting your thyroid or vitamin levels. If this is the case, consult a healthcare professional.